Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions regarding Pymble Turramurra Preschool philosophies, educational direction or programmes, you will find most of your answers in our Prospectus.

If your questions are regarding orientation, settling your child into Preschool, logistical support and our Preschool health and safety policies, please email [email protected]

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please call us at any time.  Pymble Turramurra Preschool also gives parents full access to any of the policy documents we keep for all aspects of the Pre-school management and operations.

At Pymble Turramurra Preschool we celebrate individual achievements; children produce their own work where the importance is placed on the process rather than the finished product.  This work is displayed respectfully and the children’s own words are put onto their work.

We run an interest based learning programme throughout which the teachers praise the positives and emphasise the need for genuine listening.  We encourage an enhanced value in home/family/preschool partnership and take photos of children at their daily play.

We provide ample opportunity for self-concept, open ended activities while encouraging risk taking within safe parameters. 

Pymble Turramurra preschool has a high child to adult ratio with focused and constant staff observation and supervision.  We ensure all our equipment is compliant with OH&S requirements.  In addition, we teach good hygiene practices, hand washing, toileting procedures and the staff stay vigilant in the case of childhood illnesses and allergies in line with our Health and Safety Policy.

We rely heavily on modelling good behaviour and communication to facilitate our Behaviour Guidance Policy and ensure your children feel emotionally supported through praise and positive reinforcement.

We do not encourage children to bring their own toys to school. It is a good idea to leave these special toys at home. Many other children have similar toys and can mistake someone else’s toy for their own. Children do become very upset if they are lost, borrowed or broken by another child.  We will not hold any responsibility for any personal belongings.  Please be reassured that security, comfort items such as a blanky, or favourite soft toys are allowed if you feel that it is necessary.

We have many wonderful toys at pre-school for everyone to enjoy.

We take allergies very seriously at Pymble Turramurra preschool and ask parents to provide information about their child’s allergies on the enrolment form.  A list of children with allergies is provided to teachers and posted in different areas of the preschool.

We have a NO PEANUT POLICY and ask parents to pack only nut free food.  Other foods may be excluded according to the allergies present within the centre.  Parents of those children with allergies are asked to provide cakes or special treats for their child for when we have birthday celebrations for other children.

Pymble Turramurra Preschool staff are trained in using Epipens and other similar medicines. Epipens etc are provided by parents for those children with anaphylactic reactions and kept on the premises.

Pymble Turramurra preschool is a feeder to a number of local schools.

Some years, the list is quite extensive. Children attend the following; North Turramurra Public, Pymble Public, Turramurra Public, Wahroonga (the Bush School) Public, Warrawee Public, Sacred Heart, St Ives Primary, Pymble Ladies’ College, Knox Grammar, Prouille School.

Yes. The programme and routine is exactly the same regardless whether your child attends for 2 days or 3 days. Individuality is experienced across the 6 groups, as each of these has their own teacher guiding the programme. Children will go to school the following year, after attending for 2 days or 3 days.

One of the most important skills for school readiness is to have your child socially and emotionally prepared. Forming good relationships with other children and developing friendships are found in these early years.

Bikes and computers are activities that need the teacher’s assistance on a one to one basis.  What we are aiming for is to develop co-operative, sharing, caring involvement and interaction between children. Children learn from each other. Their language, creative ideas and interpersonal skills.

Parents are able to enjoy teaching the skill of riding a bike or activities on the computer. This involves family interaction with their own children and a wonderful way of connecting and having fun together.

At Pymble Turramurra Preschool we provide an extensive educationally based program to enhance and ensure that children develop very important relationship skills.

At Pymble Turramurra Preschool we offer an open plan education, which involves three planned “physical” areas of learning that the children have freedom to explore and discover. No teacher and group have their own room to “own” but shared learning “rooms”.

One room is the downstairs area which contains blocks, dramatic play areas, spontaneous music and science discovery, puzzles, games of strategy, books and manipulative equipment.

Another learning room is the upstairs which contains all manner of craft/art, self-exploration into creating with materials for gluing, cutting, sculpting, painting etc.

The third learning area is our beautiful outdoor space.  Here the children learn of the natural environment and all the sciences from insect discovery to vegetable growing. The development of healthy bodies extends to our climbing trees, monkey bars and various equipment to encourage confidence in the ‘self’ and capabilities that give the feeling of physical success.

For some part of the day, the child and their group will stay in one of the learning rooms and fully investigate its possibilities for discovery. For another part of the day the children are free to choose which learning area they want to visit and explore in this open plan experience.

Be assured the children gain an identity of belonging to a small group of 15 with an individual teacher, whilst also belonging to a larger group, with the three classes interacting side by side in the open plan situation. One can liken it to three classes at school, all in the same grade, operating independently as a class and then intermingling for assemblies and other curriculum activities and sharing staff members.

Your child’s birthday is a very special day to them.  We celebrate children’s birthdays at pre-school by asking the parents to bring 15 small cupcakes for their child’s group. The children sing “happy birthday” and have the cakes at some part of the day.  The children very much enjoy celebrating their birthdays with their friends.  Please check with your child’s teacher prior to their birthday, in case other children have special dietary requirements.

We do not teach a formal reading program as such Letterland.  All the experiences planned incorporate “academic” concepts. At Pymble Turramurra Pre-school our program is careful to incorporate a wide variety of experiences that focus on literacy and numeracy, matching games, puzzles, threading, 1 to 1 correspondence, sorting, measurement, weights and balance, counting etc.

We nurture creativity and imagination while immersing children in a wide variety of literature and different texts, poems, rhymes and songs, music and dance. For example while sharing a book together we may notice rhyming words, punctuation symbols, size of print, use prediction and even discuss our favourite authors and their methods of illustration.  In this way we develop a love of literacy and learning and develop important pre reading skills.

This way of learning, rather than bombarding the child with rote learning, is supported by the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and is important to help children develop creative thinking and problem solving skills; it is based on solid and valid educational theory and practice.

There is no requirement for toilet training but generally speaking most children are independently going to the toilet by the time they come to this Pre-school or well on their way.

For those that still need assistance, staff will respond to individual children’s needs and toilet timing program and will co-ordinate with parents to ensure a united approach is maintained.

It is still not uncommon for some children to have the odd accident so we stock changes of clothes at pre-school however children generally prefer their own clothes so we encourage a good backup supply in school bags.

For more information please see the Family Assistance Website and the Centrelink Website

Yes. Pymble Turramurra Pre-school supports the inclusion of all children.

We employ an additional teacher on our permanent staff according to the needs of the children.

Children with additional needs have individual programs that are compiled and evaluated in collaboration with the child’s carers, our staff and any other professionals and services that are involved in the child’s development.

Please telephone the pre-school to talk with us about how we can support you and your child.

Our Pre-school programme is designed to focus on all areas of development and to foster the skills and independence that prepares children for life.  We place an emphasis on acknowledging children’s individual needs, strengths and levels of development.

School readiness is an important underlying focus of our daily experiences, activities and routines. Our staff carefully plan to provide the children with opportunities to develop the skills they will require to draw on in their learning throughout life.

We believe that the most important skills in ensuring a successful transition to school are in the areas of social and emotional development and strong communication skills. These include independence, resilience, problem solving skills, confidence to voice their needs, interests and ideas, being able to follow directions, the ability to sit comfortably, listen and participate within a group, waiting a turn, sharing, enjoying play with their peers and being relaxed to approach and communicate with adults.

We aim to send a child off to school feeling relaxed, happy and ready to learn in their exciting new school environment.

The staff at Pymble Turramurra Preschool use behaviour guidance to help children self-regulate their behaviour.  The outcomes of guidance are:

1.    The ability to get along with others

2.    To solve problems using words

3.    Express strong feelings in acceptable ways

By using a positive approach in guidance the staff will recognise why a child behaves in a certain way and encourage more acceptable forms of behaviour.

Strategies that the staff use are:

1.    Setting boundaries with all the children

2.    Being consistent and working as a team

3.    Always support and encourage appropriate behaviour

4.    Act don’t react

5.    If behaviour is trivial it is best ignored

6.    Quietly deal with inappropriate behaviour

7.    Give more attention to the upset child

8.    Arrange the environment appropriately

9.    Ensure children understand the expectations

10. Promote independence and self-control

We often invite visitors to the Pre-school to perform for the children.

Parents will be advised of these in writing with a permission request a week prior to the outing. A small fee may be required for these. Parents are often welcome to attend these performances or outings as well.  Talk to your teacher about this experience.

Records are kept on each child including a progress report on their stages of development. All information about children, families and staff is confidential. As a parent you may look at your child’s records on request, please speak to your child’s teacher.

Call us on 02 9449 1445.  If you are able to make alternative pickup arrangements we can prepare your child before end of school time.  If we have not heard from you, we will contact your ‘Emergency Contact’ on your enrolment form.

The Board of Management consists of the following office-bearers:  President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Enrolment Secretary, Works Officer, two Social Conveynors, Fees Officer, Grants Officer, Marketing & Promotions Officer.

The primary functions of the Committee include: setting the strategic direction of the Pre-school; determining the policies and practices which govern its management and operation; approving the annual budget; and regularly reviewing the Preschool’s progress and performance.

Please contact either the Director or the Board of Management to find out more about any of these roles.

If you would like to make a suggestion, comment or complaint about a matter at the Pre-school the following avenues are available to you;

  • Raise the issue with your child’s teacher or make an appointment to discuss the issue with the Director.
  • Discuss the matter with a Committee member.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome after completing the above process, you can contact NSW Government Human Services / Community Services to discuss the issue on 02 9815 0727

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