Parents and our Volunteer Board of Management

Pymble Turramurra Preschool is incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1984.  We are a non-profit organisation run by a volunteer Board of Management (BOM), drawn from the Members.  The BOM is licensed to operate under Clause 32(1) of the Children (Care & Protection) Act 1987 and is responsible for all aspects of the control and management of the preschool.

Membership of the preschool ($3.00) for a parent is compulsory while their child is attending Pymble Turramurra preschool and our Members (parents) elect the new BOM at the Annual General Meeting held in February/March each year. 

As a community preschool, parents are strongly encouraged to be actively involved in the leadership and workings of Pymble Turramurra Preschool.  This ensures the continued existence, overall progression and maintenance of the preschool itself.

We would like to thank the following entities for their support

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