
If you are considering sending your child to Pymble Turramurra Pre-school, we welcome you to drop in and meet our friendly staff, have a look around the Pre-school and discuss your child’s needs with the director, teachers and assistants. Please give us a call and make an appointment to ensure the right people dedicate the right amount of time to your visit. 


Pymble Turramurra Pre-school provides for children who are old enough to attend school the following year.

Children must turn 4 before 31st July to attend Pymble Turramurra Pre-school.

Step 1- Waitlisting

A child may be placed on the Pre-school waiting the year they turn 2 years of age.

Please complete the Waitlist Application Form 

You will be asked to include a copy of your child’s birth certificate and you will be prompted to pay a $50 waitlist fee.

Your child’s name will then be added to our online Wait List according to the date and time it was received and you will receive an confirmation email. Parents must notify Pymble Turramurra Pre-school of any change of contact details during this Waitlist time.   If parents cannot be contacted at the time enrolments start, the place will be offered to the next child on the list. Parents should also contact the Pre-school if the place will no longer be required. In the case of a family making multiple applications for enrolment for the same year, this fee is payable per application up to a maximum of $100.00 (includes GST).

Step 2- Enrolment

Once you have been offered a place at Pymble Turramurra Pre-school and you wish to proceed, you will be requested to:

  1.  Complete an Enrolment Form through Storypark Manage within 7 day of receiving the offer.

  2. Pay a $250.00 (includes GST) non-refundable, non-transferable enrolment fee. (This fee includes the annual $3.00 Membership Fee.)

  3. Provide a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate & your child’s up to date Immunisation Record through Storypark Manage.

To secure your child’s position, you will need to pay approximately 50% of the term one fees by 1st November in the year prior. This non-refundable payment will be deducted from the next fee invoice. Parents who do not wish to commit to a place by paying this fee will forfeit their secured position, however they may request to remain on the waitlist.  The Pre-school carefully plans the dynamics of each class, hold orientation days and give children the opportunity to meet their teacher in the year prior to entry, and secured enrolments help to facilitate this.

Step 3- Orientation

Parents are encouraged to familiarise themselves and their child with the centre prior to commencement. Orientation days and a parent information evening are arranged to assist during this transition time and you will be given an enrolment kit containing more detailed information at this time.

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