
As a community preschool, Pymble Turramurra Preschool fees are set annually by our volunteer Board of Management.  This covers the majority of our operating costs.  We also receive some funding from the NSW Department of Education.

Fundraising is an important part of the long term plan for Pymble Turramurra Preschool, it provides about half of the money for capital improvements to the preschool, additional materials for the children to use and extra activities for the children to experience.

While all participation in fundraising activities is voluntary, as a community preschool it is strongly encouraged that each family become involved in and contribute to these fundraising efforts.

In addition, the Board of Management seeks government and corporate grants to help Pymble Turramurra Preschool launch and complete specialist projects.  These grants vary greatly in source and value however each and every grant received is used within the specifications of that grant.

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